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Capturing Consumer Attention with Micro-Moments: Real-Time Marketing Tips

By Umbrella Staff on Jun 7, 2024

The widespread adoption of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has created new opportunities in the form of micro-moment marketing. Micro-moment marketing is all about connecting with consumers in real-time at critical points in their customer journey.

Keep in mind that

  • 91% of smartphone users look up information while in the middle of a task
  • 82% of smartphone users search for product information on their phones while that are actually in a store making a product decision.
  • 69% of leisure travelers who use smartphones search for travel ideas when they have an extra minute during the day, like when they are standing in line at the bank.

There are moments in the customer’s journey that turn around intent, when they reach for their smartphones or other devices to act on immediate needs.  These are moments that are rich in opportunity to engage a customer in real time, and they may happen many times during the day for each person.

Types of Micro-Moments

If you are going to be successful at micro-moment marketing, you need to know what is going to attract your audience at various touch points. These marketing opportunities are of four types:

  1. I-Want-to-Know Moments: Consumers are seeking information or researching a topic.
  2. I-Want-to-Go Moments: Consumers are looking for local information or nearby businesses.
  3. I-Want-to-Do Moments: Consumers are trying to accomplish something, such as learning a new skill or trying out a DIY project.
  4. I-Want-to-Buy Moments: Consumers are ready to make a purchase and need help deciding what or how to buy.

Each kind of micro-moment presents a unique window for brands to provide relevant content and solutions that meet consumers’ immediate needs.

Why Do These Micro-Moments Matter?

1. Grab Your Customer’s Attention at a Critical Moment

People’s attention spans aren’t what they used to be.  Dr. Gloria Marks and her colleagues at the University of California measured people’s average attention span on electronic devices. They found attention span had decreased more than 200% in less than 20 years!

  • 2004: 2.5 minutes
  • 2012: 75 seconds
  • The last six years: 47 seconds

Marketers need to find a way to get through to their audience despite this shrinking attention span. One of the most effective ways to do that is to reach your clients customers when they are actually looking to do business. That means marketers need to create valuable content tailored to these micro-moments.

2. Create Brand Awareness

Use micro-moment marketing to create brand awareness. If your client’s information consistently pops up for a customer’s “I want to know” moments, they are going to think of your client’s company when they reach an “I want to buy” moment. Publish informative, valuable information that set ups your client’s company as experts so they are first in the minds of their target audience.

3. Get a Jump on the Competition

Make sure your client’s company is the one that is there when people are looking for something. Many small businesses do not have a micro-moment marketing strategy. Your company can be the one to fill the need when their customers turn to the Internet because they want to know, go, do or buy.

Today, when customers search the Internet because they have an immediate need, they expect immediate and accurate results. They may be out shopping and decide they want to stop for lunch and have Thai food. They do a search for Thai restaurants near them, scan the list delivered by Google and check out a few quick reviews.  Then they are off to have lunch.  That would be categorized as an “I-Want-to-Go Moment.” They are specifically looking for practical fast information about nearby restaurants, not the best restaurants in the country or a guide to opening a restaurant.

Strategies for Real-Time Marketing

So how can you give customers what they want, when they want it? Consider these strategies.

1. Anticipate and Prepare

Successful real-time marketing begins with anticipation. By understanding your audience’s behaviors, preferences, and pain points, you can predict when and where micro-moments are likely to occur. Use data analytics and consumer insights to identify patterns and trends that signal these moments.

2. Create Relevant Content

Content is at the heart of effective real-time marketing. Develop a content strategy that aligns with the different types of micro-moments. Ensure your content is informative, engaging and easily accessible across various platforms and devices. Use visuals, videos, infographics and concise text to capture attention quickly.

3. Optimize for Mobile

Given that micro-moments often occur on mobile devices, it’s crucial to optimize your marketing efforts for mobile users. This includes having a responsive website, fast-loading pages and mobile-friendly content formats. Consider leveraging mobile apps, push notifications and location-based services to enhance user experience and relevance.

4. Personalize the Experience

Tailor your messaging and content to resonate with individual consumers during their micro-moments. Use data-driven personalization techniques to deliver targeted offers, recommendations and solutions based on user behavior, preferences and location. Personalized experiences can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates.

5. Be Agile and Adaptive

Real-time marketing requires agility and the ability to respond quickly to changing trends and consumer behaviors. Monitor social media platforms, news feeds and industry developments to stay informed and ready to capitalize on emerging micro-moments. Adopt an adaptive approach to adjust your strategies in real-time based on performance metrics and feedback.

Examples of Effective Micro-Moment Marketing


Starbucks leverages micro-moments by using its mobile app to offer personalized recommendations based on a customer’s location and previous purchase history. Through push notifications, Starbucks prompts users with special offers when they are near a store, encouraging spontaneous visits.


Nike uses social media platforms like Instagram to capture micro-moments related to fitness and sports. They engage with consumers during I-Want-to-Do moments by sharing inspirational content, workout tips and user-generated content that aligns with their audience’s interests and aspirations.

Want to Get in on Micro-Moment Marketing?

Micro-moment marketing strategies are important to marketing agencies who want their clients to be as competitive as possible. The future lies in the ability to seize these fleeting yet impactful moments – transforming them into opportunities that build brand loyalty, drive conversions, and propel business growth in the digital age.

But you don’t have to do it alone. To schedule an appointment to discuss Umbrella’s white label marketing services, contact Umbrella through our website or call (866) 760-2638.



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